Skintight paradise
A motherly hunt boosting
Into the bubble

Shrunken leather gloves, gips, beton, wire, metal clips, plexi, water, dye

You buy and collect items to benefit and make everyday tasks easier. It is almost a form of development. You identify what needs to be changed, you look for better ways and find your solution. As soon as one problem can be calmed to be solved, you recognize you need more. The object becomes the repetitive task of improvement – it is not enough, you start anew.

It begins to grow on you. An almost primal feeling of urge to
go out, gather and collect, use your sense of touch to seek out the environment. Prepare your comfort and create security. Slowly, without noticing you are surrounded by tokens of yourself.

Now it‘s great. Everything is in its place. The view is narrowed into it, don‘t move. Stay still so nothing can break. No change. The ultimate tool.

Concept and realization: Agnes Varnai & Sebastian Grande